Models In The Educational Sector? R. Buckminster Fuller said: ā€œYou never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build ā€¦

On the 25th of June, 2022, The Sapphires Development Initiative presented a policy brief at the 2022 Annual Meeting of theĀ Academic Council ā€¦

International Women's Day (March 8) which is a global day aimed at celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. This year IWD22 is geared towards #Breakingthebias.


It is a new month and a great way to get started on greatness is to count the cost.

The United Nations 4th International Day of Education was celebrated on the 24th of January, 2022. Quality education is pivotal in the transformation of any society. It ensures that we are equipped to build a more sustainable, inclusive, just and peaceful future.

Promoting gender equality is significant in improving and emphasizing humanity which is an important aspect of the United Nationā€™s sustainable development goals. ā€¦

Happy New Month!!!āœØ TSDI has proven to remain committed to eradicating gender myths and closing the digital gender gap. Congratulations to 11 ā€¦

December 19, 2011, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 66/170 to declare October 11 as the International Day of the Girl ā€¦

As the saying goes, every journey of a 1000 mile starts with a step and Rome wasn’t built in a day. The ā€¦

The Sapphires Development InitiativeĀ celebrates with our amazing, committed and exceptional female volunteers who were shortlisted for theĀ Techy TrainĀ Incubator Program Cohort 3.Ā  Thanks ā€¦

Caitlyn, from Boston, of Ā Girls Who Code, said ”Technology touches everyone, everywhere, and I want to be part of that.ā€. Gender shouldn’t ā€¦

On this day, we remember one of our lead volunteers Ajakaiye Oluwafunmilayo R., who was awarded the WAAW Foundation 2020/2021 Scholarship. WAAW ā€¦

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